I work a part time job along with all the event coordination that I have to do.
At this part time job I have to deal with the scum of the earth: Real Estate Agents, and all other bottom feeders who work in this industry.
The EGO's are unbelievable... I mean half these people don't have a post secondary education but they proceed to talk down to the part time staff, dare I say in their stupid and barely comprehensible accents... It's ridiculous.
I work on the legal documentation that they need to make deals. You would think that I would be treated nicely right.. not..
They bark orders, and never spell anything right, and then god forbid I get some 300 letter name wrong then it's to the administrators office I go...
Speaking of which... This person is a relic as far as any human resources knowledge may go...
She is always inappropriate and consistently makes stupid statements.
She once told me that I couldn't smoke on my break... WHA???
She's also asked why my husband is using my vehicle and doesn't he have his own...
First off we're not peers. We don't have a friendly relationship so this type of interrogation is way off the appropriate scale.
She denied my raise and then said it would be an insult to me to only give me a quarter an hour more... WHA????
She has consistently messed with the hours I work since the day I started over a year ago. Then she thinks she can ask me to cover shifts when their short staffed... Retard.
Nowadays I am seldom surprised at what comes out of her retarded mouth.
I may be the oldest part time employee here but that doesn't mean that I'm freaking stupid.
The Full time staff here are the most incredibly useless beings on the face of this planet. I am consistently astounded at the fact that they can find their way to work and home on a daily basis.
It truly is amazing.
The part time staff for the most part are decent and cool. We work well together with the exception of one freaking twott drama queen... The rest are good.
I know that next week I'll have more to add...
Trust me...
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