I started riding a while back. I was a tom boy as a child, and loved trucks, and bikes and all the things all little boys loved.
I had transformers, and was totally interested in technology.
It was a natural progression. I liked fast cars, and then found things that could go faster and were cheaper. MOTORCYCLES! I dated guys who rode. It was nice, but being a control freak I really wanted to be the one at the controls. Eventually my friend Liz and I got our licenses. We rode together almost all the time. Liz and I have some pretty funny, and scary stories from those crazy nights out. When we started riding there were only a few other girls out there that rode. Even fewer that rode well. (not saying I'm awesome or anything) I remember Liz's first bike...
She called it Smartie. It was a blue Honda CB1 (400 cc) If I were to describe it I would say the bike was closer to a standard than a sport touring bike. My first bike was a Yamaha Fzr 600. (1989 i think) For the longest time we were the only two girls that would ride all over the City.
Liz's second bike was this awesome Yamaha YZF 750sp (sp stands for Solo Pilot) It was this neat forest green colour.
I loved those days. Nothing made me happier than getting my gear on and getting out there. As soon as the snow melted in the spring I was out there. I rode some years until December... (long johns, balaclava and little gloves under all my other gear kept me warm)
I guess I was kinda hard core in that sense. I would ride at any cost. Hot or cold it didn't make a difference.
I rode when I was sad and it made me happy, I rode when I had to think about stuff, and I felt better and came to decisions, I rode when I was bored and found friends and excitement.
Long rides, short rides, I rode to work, and to meet for coffee. I rode to the mall, and to the dentist... :D
It was all I could think about. After the accident, I got back into it as soon as I coul

When my last bike was stolen I hadn't done my M exit yet, and my license expired. Now I am JUST A G DRIVER. ARG...
I want to go back, and get my M Lic. back. I guess I'll have to wait untill next year. Meh.
I like to have a good time with my friends. Especially when it's a birthday party for Moi at Rocky Mountain High... I can be a goofy broad sometimes. I think this picture demonstrates some of my goofyness.
There are tones of these pictures scattered all over the internet thanks to Lise.
Especially the ones from Niagara Falls that lisa loves to share with the whole world. Good times ...
I remember jumping on the bed.

Then I remember laughing my ass off... Can you tell what happened? I swear... It was all good until I heard this THUD... Lise had hit her freaking head on the ceiling.

I love my BIG ASS TRUCK! I drive a Yukon Denali xl. I bought it because I work in the event coordination field and can can carry all kinds of stuff for clients. I am used to getting looks from people when I rode all the time, I still get them now it's because I look so small in my vehicle.

My husband and I owned a tow truck. We recently sold it. my husband worked it for years. He was sick of the bullshit in the industry, so we got him a 9-5. He likes it better, and he's n

I like my men to look mean, but be the biggest sweethearts. I think every one should have a "Bob"
There have got to be a tone of pictures of Bob giving people the finger.
I guess that's enough about me for the next little while.
1 comment:
i love that bray "belgium dip" a la dr evil. I held by boobs cause there was no support!
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