There are so many types of Bloggers it's hard to give an accurate break down of them all.
Here are a few:
There are the EMO Bloggers who write about all thier emotional breakthroughs, baggage, bad days and how they hate the world we live in.
There are the Techno Bloggers. All they do is write about the interweeb, WOW raids and of course how could we live with out their ever present babble and reviews of new tech products.
(ok I secretly read some of these)
The Business Blogger. These people only write or hire some one to write so that they can further market their businesses and products. I am pretty sure they don't do any other kind of blogging. It's all based around what they do, and information about their particular industry (You may be hard pressed to find useful information). You may find a personal moment every once in while when reading those blogs, but for the most part they are meant to be an infomercial .
Then you have the Bloggers like Lisa, Mabel and I. I guess our blogs can be considered more of an online journal or diary. I don't know what it is about getting all these words out on the screen that soothes the inner spirit but it works. That's why we do it.
I cover some really personal things in my blog, and sometimes I cloak them in humor. Other times I need to lash out at the world and you'll find some random rant about elbows or something absolutely psycho like that.
I love the fact that I can just sit on the couch in front of the T.V. with my notebook on my lap and can get all this stuff out. Somedays I am just so amazed at the things I can find online I have to post something. Other days I'm life's practical joke so I write about it thinking some one might else might find the humor in it or even relate.
Some of my goals include using the blog to hone my skills as a writer. I love to write. I may not be very good at it but I love doing it. If it helps sort out some inner turmoil along the way then... SO BE IT... See you in the next post.
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