Saturday, February 28, 2009

Banana Pancakes For Breakfast!

Let's just say it's been and continues to be an eventful 24 hours.
Bobby and thought something different would be nice so off we went to
golden griddle... It was a pleasant change.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Is it Bad that...

... I've left my desk like this for the week end? I just have too many
things on the go right now and I'm affraid to move anything in case I
forget that I have to deal with it... LOL I know I'm retarded!

I'll probably go in this week end for a couple of hours.

Smoke Break ...

... In the freezing cold... Needed to get out of my office for a bit.

Best Damn Coffee Travel Mug!

Got it at starbucks 26 dollars keep lquid hot forever! Saved me a ton
of dough.
Double insulated stainless steel!

Called Back!

And I went through the same crap... So I left a message lets see if they actually get back to me sometime today! Ug!

This is the one part of my job that I don't care much for. It puts me behind.


I hate this process.
I have to call a company to find out information on their product, and I am on hold listening to musak. Intermittently the say something and then say that there is a maximum wait time of 15 mins, after which you are prompted to leave a message and they will return your call in 24 hours...
I've left them a few and have yet to hear from them.

So now I hang up and call back..
Some body answer the phone!

A long week at the office.

So... As you all know I have started my new job.
I love it here.
I feel like I am consistently accomplishing something and I am always working towards the end of a project. It's a new feeling, this whole "I am productive hear me roar" thing.

So far, I have dealt with IT issues, and many software issues, and I am always working at our marketing plans.
I can't believe how nice it feels to be a contributing and important member of a team. I can have opinions and work toward making things run more efficiently.

We have meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to discuss the implementation of software, marketing plans and how the girls are keeping things in the office running smoothly.

Right now I have completed the testing phase of a new Client Management program for our company. I have been able to report back to my boss, and give him the go ahead.
I am also currently imputing the data including User defined Feilds for all our employees, and the companies client data.
It's alot of work.

I get to the office Half and hour early so that I can work towards having most of the work complete this week.

So far there haven't been any office politics issues. I am happy, and the staff here are happy.
One day I'll post pictures of them.

Oh and My friend from Bosley Julia started her own blog too. I am absolutely going to keep an eye on her stuff. :D

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Twilight iPhone Theme...

... Home slider screen.

Twilight iPhone Theme...

... Home screen wall paper.

Twilight iPhone Theme...

...text message screen.

Twilight iPhone Theme...


My Job!

I'm glad to report that I love where I work! I have a nice office and
work with a good group. So far I would like to think that every one
there likes me. It's nice to walk into your place of employment and
see happy faces.
I hope this develops into something really long term for me.
My job description is what I would consider to be a mess.
I was hired to market the company using my web skills. I will also be
looking at making some extra money by dealing with insurance clients,
but some where along the way I became the IT guy too!
I guess it's not really funny, but I think it is! This is not to day
that I don't have any IT skillz or anything, but I'm no IT dood!
So far I've been able to work my way through most of the issues. I've
spent some time on the phone with tech support. (they don't really
impress me :( I've figured out the issues long before any of them have.

I can't wait until my probation is over. Woot more pay!
~Sent from my iPhone~

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I am currently at the office and won't be home for at least 2 hours. I asked my husband if he could please marinade the Chicken Breasts that were defrosting in the sink for me.
He said no.
I was like WHAT??? WHY???
He said that he didn't know how to do it. I said you sprinkle some olive oil over the breasts, use half a lemon and squeeze the juice of it on to the chicken, then sprinkle the spices over them, and mix it up with your hands.
He was like I don't know how to do it... ARRRG! What the hell does that mean???
Just get over it.
I quit.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Marylin and Angela...

Gonna miss them too!

Julia "the new girl"

She's cute! I hope she doesn't get torn to shreds here!

The Bobby playing coy!

The Bobby!

Thank Goodness I Already Resigned...

... Because I can wear track pants to work this week end! Woot!


So ...
I want to talk about a gizzilion different things but I don't want to start a ton of different posts.

I figure I can just discuss them here casually.

First off... WTF is up with the forums lately. Motorcycle ones especially. People get banned left right and centre, and the flame wars... WOW.

Then I want to talk about the heat in my condo... I hardly ever turn it on so I can never understand why it gets so freaking hot in it. Case and Point last night... I WOKE UP COVERED IN SWEAT and it was freaking hot in the bedroom... I checked to see the heat was off and it was, but why was it so hot?

How do you tell your friends their retarded when they do something stupid but don't want to hurt their feelings?
This doesn't happen often but it does happen.

I am sooo tired I want to go home but I have 2 hours left at the office today... meh.

that's it for now.

Sad but Happy...

These are my feelings today as I prepare for my last day at Bosley.
Tomorrow is going to it. I've had fun with alot of the agents here, and felt like I contributed to the company in more ways than just my AWESOME personality lol.
So this is it.
I will from now on be known as a grown up, with a real job, and real responsibilities, and a commute to work in the mornings and home in the evenings.
Who knew?
I hope that at this new company that I can be helpful and make a name for my self... I want to do well, and I want for them to like me and want me to bigger and better things.

Wish me Luck peeps because its going to be one hell of a month.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

At Home Sick...

I think that sums it up. I feel like death warmed over.
Aunt Flo arrived yesterday in full force! Today I lay here on the
couch and hope that I don't have to move all day! I'll be taking naps
while watching stupid tv shows like Maury Povich LOL.
For some reason these paternity tests are very entertaining today, it
might be the drugs :)