Thursday, August 28, 2008

Things to make Lise Smile...

Ok so this might be a little extreme but my bud Lisa is feeling pretty down... So I thought I would share some pictures with the world from our world.... I will do my best to explain each shot to the best of my ability....
Immediately to the right is a pic of me givving the double Toronto salute... today I would like to dedicate the salute to some one we know... You know who you are...
This salute is meant for you to see what a freaking dink you are. Glad your gone.. Hope you stay gone for a while... I think I look good in that pic. :D

To the left is a picture of myself and Lise from my self=destructive days... I always find it funny that I look better then than I do know. Any how it was Martins Birthday Party and we got took him out for dinner and got smashed... by the end of the night Martin was covered in permanent ink. And when I say covered I mean from forhead to loin... :D He actually passed out in the bar... I think he had fun. We did.

This next picture is of my husband Bob on our Honeymoon Disney World... I took a thousand pictures of him trying on different Mickey Mouse ears. He was becoming incredibly annoyed with me. I even made him try on the Rasta ears. I show you guys that pic another day, these are for Lise. I swear he is still mad at me for the hats... It's been a year.
To the right is a picture of Ben Bostrom... Motorcycle racer extraordinaire. and isn't he hot naked? lol

I think he is. Infact I think that all good looking Motorcycle Racers should pose for photos like this. It might actually bring a whole new group of followers to the Sport. I almost forgot there was a bike in that picture. :D

To the right... one of the unforgettable nights out with Lisa... There have been so many wicked nights out. Birthdays and such. this one is one of the most recent. It was my Halloween stagette. It was a great time. Before we went to the Club we stopped for dinner. Korean BBQ ROCKS! then it was Grand Marnier all night long. WOO HOO... the club sucked but the company was just what we needed. The guy in the picture is some random dummy who felt left out. I am so glad that I got to share such an important night with Lisa and the rest of the gang. The gang that is always there. You guys have never let me down.
LisaI'll be there for you even when it's tough.

Look at that smile... Would I lie to you?
I look like a used care sales person ... :D
I should sell bikes for a living.

Oh ya... this one is from bob to the DICK!
He says you can come stay here anytime.


Ps I wish we had pictures of the Aurora Borealis :D

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