Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ipod Touch... Stupidness.

I love my IPod Touch. I bought it instead of buying the IPhone. I thought there was too much bullshit involved it trying to get a phone from the states. So I bought the touch. It's just as cool but I wonder what people are thinking when they make apps for this little toy of mine.

I jailbroke it using ZIphone.
If I were to write a review for the process I would say:
  • ZIphone made it easy
  • It worked first shot
  • I love my touch more since the hack
  • You Tube has many instructional videos on how to jailbreak using the ZIphone hack.
If I were to write reviews for half the shit I've downloaded on to my touch I would say THEY SUCK ASS.

Seriously... What is this Aquarium, and butterfly crap.
I understand they are meant to help you waste time but Ugh.
Here are some great apps:

  • It Helps you track your Aunt Flo
  • Keeps a good history so when you have your gyne appts you have information like duration, flow, pms and other important facts ready for the DR.
  • Helps you plan around your monthly visitor because it predicts the next couple of months ahead of time for you. (if your not reg. then this is maddening :P)
  • This is awesome because it runs themes for you.
  • Vast amount of themes for any taste and age group
  • In the picture above I am using the Louie Vuitton theme. It's wicked.
Any Games
  • You can find a ton of games to dl on your touch/phone
  • my favs are Lexitron, Tris, and Domino
Mx Tube
  • I like this because I can scan through vids on You Tube and dl them on to the touch and view them even if I'm not any where near a wifi sig.
  • can dl more than one vid simultaneously
  • good for both touch and phone
  • This app allows you to "reboot" the touch/phone with out loosing settings.
  • Good to use when changing preferences.
There are way too many USELESS apps to mention. I've tried them and then wondered ... Who thinks of this shit???
Lise Keep sending me the good stuff you little teckno junkie you!

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