The rants of a motorcyclist who is sans bike and female. (Could be some random and crazy shit in here!)
Lol we can get you a ton of them! LOL I sell them at craft sales and garage sales held by churches! Lise's mom gets them for me to sell! Let lise know, there's do many diff and pretty colours!
LISE TOLD ME! I am so excited. I am going to wait until you guys get them, then I want like 4 of them. One Black one Grey one Tan and One Brown.
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Lol we can get you a ton of them! LOL I sell them at craft sales and garage sales held by churches! Lise's mom gets them for me to sell! Let lise know, there's do many diff and pretty colours!
LISE TOLD ME! I am so excited. I am going to wait until you guys get them, then I want like 4 of them. One Black one Grey one Tan and One Brown.
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