Thursday, October 16, 2008

Further notes on the Mantyhose

After I posted about them I had some time to think.
I don't know who invented pantyhose as we know them today, but I am almost sure that they were meant to be devices of torture.
Some one out there hates women and invented them just to see us struggle.
Now, some one has decided what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I am pretty sure some woman out there thought to her self... FUG this shit, why do we have to wear this shit and why do mean get away with so little.
I am going to try to make men like wearing pantyhose.
First I am going to change the name ... MANTYHOSE. Then I am going to try to make it cool. I think if I make them look like tattoos men might want to wear them to make them selves look cool.

Still i don't think this is going to be some crazy fad, especially because most of the men I know wouldn't be caught dead in pantyhose and the fact that they are so hairy that the hair on their legs would find it's way through them. (that would look really gross)

Just a thought.

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