Thursday, October 9, 2008

All by my self.....

....Don't wanna be All by myself Anymore!
Ok so I am not typically some one to quote Celine Dion but in this case I thought it would be ok.
So here I am at the office....
... and there's not a single soul here to keep me company.
I have the front door open just so I can here the sounds of civilization, but it's not enough.

Sure it's nice not having to train some one, and especially nice not to have to deal with alot of paper work... but with out any one here I can't escape to grab a coffee or a smoke.
I may not even be able to go pee.... WTH???

Any how. I got paid today... I think I might want to go shopping again.
I picked up a couple of cute things already today, but I NEED MORE!
I bought this cute 3/4 sleeve sweater with a belt, and I also purchased this Kinzie cardigan thingy.
It's really nice I might wear it on Sunday to the Wedding I will be attending.
It's so freaking dead tonight.

I think I am going to catch up on some tv. :D

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