Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Favorite Time Wasters.

Don't ask me why I watch some of these stupid shows, but for some reason I enjoy watching the stupidness and cattyness of show like The Real Housewives of New York.
It's ridiculous.
The woman in the middle of this picture is an actual Contessa.
WTF??? I didn't even now they still existed.
I can only wish.
They have cliques and things like that... they are fake to each other, and back stab each other. It's so fuging funny.
I never understood these types of women. I can never be a part of circles like that. As soon as groups of friends become that certain way I gracefully bow out. Cut and run baby cut and run.
But I can't help but watch this show and these crazy biznatches...
It's out of control.

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