So why is it some of us are so intense?
I know when something annoys the crap out of me I go on a ranting spree...
I especially love listening to other people just go of on an impulsive moment of rantitious (I know that's not a word) ecstasy!
I remember back in the day Liz and I would have our rant fests....
They would start innocently enough and then out of no where the rant would turn into discussions on how to eliminate the issue that started the rant in the first place.
Here is one of our past solutions:
Creating a testing, and Licencing program for procreation (this was due to the number of children having children, not taking care of their kids, and of course the idoits out there who are having children and abusing them)
This all came about because some one's child ticked off liz and the (young) parent didn't correct the bad behaviour.
I know it sounds like were super assholes but seriously folks, I mean out side all of the human rights infringements it's not a bad idea and I am sure you've all thought about it at some point or another.
Then there were the rants about killing off all the retarded ricer kids who follow you on the highway so that the can make sure that you are a girl on a bike, and then want to race you.
Or better yet all the stupid people on the road who do have a lic. who shouldn't be any where near anything that has a motor larger than a blender.
Then you get the freaking cyclists who zig zag in and out of traffic...
Ok so I can obviously go on forever, and eventually go into serious detail so I am going to quit while I am ahead.
So you now can see how easy it is to get some one like me to just fly off the handle in a rant.
Liz always ends up laughing at my rants, and so does Lise. I can be so totally outlandish in some of the comments that I make that the girls can't help but laugh.
Rant away people, rant away. There will always be some one who will relate to what it is you are trying to get out in your moment of anger.
Better yet write them down so you can look back and laugh at your moment of complete insanity.
Check you later folks.
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