So... There's this one girl. She has been a good friend but I don't see Her much any more.
We've shared some pretty wicked moments in life. It was Lise, Her and I. I mean endless nights up studying late. Aurora Borealis in parking lots, Niagra Falls, and Rocky Mountain High.
It's been awesome to have Her around.
Her other half isn't a bad guy (I don't think), but I find him to be a little strange sometimes. Lise and I don't get to see Her much any more. Tomorrow She is getting married.
Lise called me and was stressing. She was worried that we would seem like "bad" friends because we didn't plan anything for Her. I don't know what to say about that.
On one hand I do feel bad that we didn't throw a stagette for her or even a dinner. On the other hand I know that her other half wouldn't have let it happen.
It's also possible that some one else threw a party for Her or them. I think it's highly unlikely that there would have been a stagette. It very likely would have been a Jack and Jill or something along those lines.
I remember asking her to be in my bridal party, and I felt so bad when She refused the invitation, because her boyfriend (now fiance) wasn't going to be in the bridal party. I felt hurt. I thought about it and how things typically happen with her other half and came to assume that he forbade her from participating.
It wouldn't be the first time.
Now their getting married. Tomorrow. Bobby and I will be attending, and so will Lise and our friend Yellow Ducky, but in some strange way I am feeling torn about attending.
I want to be there for her because she is a great girl, and I want to be there in support of her soon to be new life.
On the other hand I feel like a hypocrite because I'm not Her soon to be Hubby's biggest fan.
So... Are we bad people that we didn't even consider throwing a party for her? Are we bad friends because it only came to the for front of our consciousness on the eve of her wedding?
I hope not.
Lise... Don't worry hun. It'll all work out. With or with out us.
The rants of a motorcyclist who is sans bike and female. (Could be some random and crazy shit in here!)
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