Call you later.
The rants of a motorcyclist who is sans bike and female. (Could be some random and crazy shit in here!)
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Sent from my iPod
Those are just the few points I can think of off the bat.
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Every relationship requires the same amount of effort. When you begin
to realize that you are always the one who's giving or always the
understanding one that crap begins to get old fast. Then you find
yourself wanting to spend as little time with that person as possible.
It's over.
Stupid arguments happen and you begin to feel as if things
are one-sided. Usually the other person is the victim. Time to cut them
off. Time to get out of it. Nothing is worth feeling like you've been
I've had my share of people who latch on just so they can get what
they want , and in the end I always get left out in the cold. Other
"friends" take the poor victim's side, and write me off because I'm not
helping the victim any more.
It's crazy I know.
I've lent money, I've paid for trips, I've given my shoulder, my time and alot of effort and consistantly found that I was the only one even remotely trying to do something nice for the other person.
So... If you are a friend, or in a "relationship" of any kind remember that it takes work.
And if you're the only one doing the work... just fug them.
Get out.
Let them talk behind your back. Cuz they will, we all know it , and expect it. FUG YOU!
Don't think you're smarter than us... You're not, we just care more.
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Sent from my iPod
So this is a test post from the old I pod let's see what happens
shall we?
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