The rants of a motorcyclist who is sans bike and female. (Could be some random and crazy shit in here!)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A trying 24 hours ...
I suppose I could start with early last night.
I got Lisa to Call my cell service provider because we needed to make a lot of changes.
My mother, father, brother and I are all on the same invoice, and I had noticed that my father was being charged for things that he doesn't need and that he won't ever know how to use.
They were all being gauged.
I spoke to Lise and she practically begged me to let her do it as she was PMS-ing and would be glad to Jedi Mind Fuck the "Man".
So I let her, after all I'm not stupid.
Let me just say that watching her work was awesome. It was a long and tiring process but she finally made it. The end result:
My parents and brother will be paying less than half of what they were paying before.
And I... I got the iPhooone!
I was told by the service rep on the phone that I could pick up the brick at the store and would bill my accound and that I didn't have anything to worry about.
Safe to say that anytime any one says anything like that to me I should know that I am going to have a real hard time, and as expected I did.
I feel like it's been 4 days of Lise and I begging for some one to do what is right, and just treat the customer with a tad of respect.
I think if we were to add up the hours it would be like 6 hours of negotiating, begging pleading and frustration.
There were a few follow up calls ... But all is still good in da hood!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Another Day Another Dollar.
What ever the case I send out warm regards to all of you.
Keep pushing.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Worst Christmas On RECORD!
I know I've been a little Scroogy this year to begin with, but let me just say that nothing in this world did anything to make my mood better.
I don't even know where to begin:
-The bank fucked up our loan payments.
-Bob and I came soooo close to being t-boned in an intersection.
-We couldn't purchase gifts this year.
-Lisa got into a car accident.
-I got into a huge scrap with my mother Christmas day in front of all the family!
The details aren't important. It's just the fact that these things even happened. What the FUCK???
What's wrong with people?
I'm not into all the consumerism that comes with Christmas any more. The meaning of the Holiday has escaped so many of us. I give up.
I QUIT CHRISTMAS! Bah hum bug.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I was going to do some research and hack the stupid thing my self but as it turns out Lisa did it for me.
The first hack I used was ZiPhone, and it rocked. I loved all the neat themes you could put on the iPood. I was fascinated by this silly Louis Vuitton theme that I used to have, and frankly in comparison to the one Lise dld for me it was kinda lame. This new one is awesome, and comes with it's own slider. LOVE IT! The first shot below is what the home screen looks like.
This next picture is what the various pages look like with your apps and the LV background. Some of the app icons are changed to the LV themes gold chromatic icons and they're pretty. The Cydia icon is a CHIC! I think she is supposedly wearing an LV dress in gold. As you open certain apps like your stock Calendar and others will show you a picture of an LV store, or a model holding their goods. I think it was well thought out. I love it actually. :D
So thanks to Lisa for taking the time out of her day to sort this shit out for me. I would have gotten around to it eventually, but I just didn't feel like it. :D I am such a Lazy Basterd :D
Check you guys later.
I'm Back...

Saturday, December 13, 2008
From the Depths Below...
Last night when I left the office I forgot to forward the phones. This is not a good thing.
I went to pick up my husband from work, did an emergency grocery shop, spoke to a couple of my friends for like 5 mins, then I went to lie down. I tossed and turned all night long until I had to drive my husband to work this morning. I drove back home in the hopes of taking a shower but I was so tired I finally got the chance to take a nap on the couch. Exactly one hour later I awoke to my alarm, got dressed and dragged my sorry butt to work.
Sometimes I wonder what I am doing here.
Why do I bother.
It's going to be another tight week, and I am afraid of what may or may not transpire.
This month and the lack of hours at work has been the biggest contributing factor to my insomnia. I can barely get the crazy thoughts out of my head long enough to close my eyes. I wish it were different, but it's not. I have a few worries that seem to nag at me like a reoccurring nightmare.
Something needs to change. I might need to seek out professional help if this were to continue, or worst case scenario I would just continue to loose sleep until my body shuts it's self down and I pass on.
I can't believe what fabulous options these are.
Give me strength it's just one more day until tomorrow.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Still Going...

Speaking of stuff to do.
I think I am the queen of all awesomeness. I thought I would make my self some sleepytime time tea so that I could eventually fall asleep. I had already had some tea earlier so I thought I would rinse the cup out with some of the water in the kettle. Don't I end up pouring it (the boiling hot water) on to my finger tips accidentally. (Obviously an accident not into S&M over here)
So this is going to be one more of those awesome evenings. YEAH ME!

I have had friends over for the past few days non stop. I haven't slept in what appears to be a week (don't remember what day I actually slept last). I suppose sleeping now would be a good thing except for the fact that I can't sleep. I am completely awake, and feeling like complete ass.
I know I've been completely stressed out lately, and I know that when I stress I tend to loose sleep. This doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out.
So I figure since I am up I need to get some videos translated to mpg4 so that I can watch them on my IPood at so that when I am at work I can catch up on shit when it's absolutely dead.
God knows after 5:30 pm the phone may only ring once, and seeing as it's a Friday night I highly doubt that any one is going to be asking me for an offer.
So here I sit blogging, converting avi files and playing Tap Defense on the iPood.
I think this is going to turn into another review.
As it turns out I am a huge fan of strategy games even if I am not that smart. Tap Defense is awesome because it offers different levels of game play in the free version.
Also before each level you are given messages and tips. This I think is an awesome feature for those of us who are strategically challenged. The point of the game is to stop the minions of hell from entering the gates of heaven. Your able to do this by building defensive towers that shoot arrows water ice and magic at your opponents.
Sure I've read the art of war... but that doesn't bean I totally understand. General Smeneral. :D
I just happen to be a nerd with out nerd abilities. So go out and give tap defense a shot... It's free from the app store.
I think the next step for me is to rehack the Ipood last hack was good. I liked the themes. Now that I have been legit at 2.0 for a while I am ready for the cool shit that comes along with the hacks.
All my iphone friends are happy with their new hacks and all the cool shite they are doing. I am getting bored with the same old same old on the ipood. I miss my LV background and theme. I'd love to have something similar this time around.
Friday, December 5, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008
The kindness of Strangers.

I don't know why, but for some reason I am always surprised when strangers are kind. It's not just when they do something nice for me I mean in general. The people who take in stray injured animals and nurse them back to health or even when some one lets an older pedestrian cross in front of their vehicle even if the driver has the right of way. The smiles people give you from behind the counter, or even when some one says "Thank You" when you hold the door open for them.
I always try to be kind to every one I come across. I smile in the elevator, and say hello or good day. I try to give people the best side of me, if I have something I can share I do. If I know that I can do something to make some ones day better I will. I just never really encounter the same in return.
TODAY however, there are these girls that my Sister in Law knows and they are now trying to get me a job. They don't even know me. They don't know anything about me but they are willing to try to help me out.
It's been my experience that every time I do something nice for some one I get Fugged in the end (That's right with a capital "F"). Having some one want to try to help me out today is just awesome. If I get this job things can go back to normal again. The Bobster and I can relax a little and pay down our debt.
Thanks Helen and Maria. Really, Thank You.
That's not to say that my friends aren't trying to help me out because they are.
I love all you guys.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Tudors Marathon
Awesome. On to the next.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Just saw this on one of my fav Blogs...
So here I sit at work... It's finally quiet around here and I was catching up on some of my favorite blogs when I saw this video.
Just to break it down for you it's Avril being stalked by some HUGE Guy, all the while the Paparazzi ass monkeys do nothing to help her out. Fucking Loosers.
Watching this video made me realize how little she really is.
Having said that... i don't like her shit too much but I think there is something really sweet about her.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Just needed to get out...
I tried to get Bobby to come with me to my parents place tonight, I felt so bad. He came home from work, ate some eggs, and passed out. I tried to wake him up after 3 hours of sleep, but there was no hope.
I just needed to got the hell out of the house so seeing as my mom made Spare Ribs and French Fries I thought I would make my way over. I miss just hanging out on the couch with my parents eating in front of the Greek comedies that are reminiscent of the Telenovo shows Ugly Betty is always talking about.
I took some photos and will be posting them later.
Ah... The crazy parents.
At least shit got paid this month so far.
On to the next
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Now that we all know....
I have a plan to get my self out there. I am going to get my ass moving.
Monday morning I am going to make my way down to scarborough town center, and take my name off that stupid Business listing with my former partner.
Then I am going to do a name search and get my shit up and out there.
Got a site design that is killer, and the business cards... FORGETABOUTIT! As my cousins would say.
Been busy ploting things out. Seems like I am on to the next step.
Got motivated. been doing some bench marking and soon it will be off to the Races.
Now to get my self some hosting for cheap. :D
Wish me luck peeps.
Friday, November 28, 2008
I think the image says it all...

I need to know if Pfizer makes a little white pill that will give me Debt Relief? They could call it payagra or something stupid like that. You go to the Dr.'s office and tell him you need some debt relief he prescribes this little white pill and TADA... All your bills are pushed back or delayed for one month with out penalty. WOULDN'T THAT BE WICKED! Here you go Pfizer you can take this idea for the meanial cost of 100 Cases of that shit for my personal use :D
Things are getting really tight.
Say a prayer every one. I'll say one for you all.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Bah Hum Bug... Or not?
So I made some snacks for the Bob and I, and we sat on the couch in front of the TV.
I felt like doing soemthing but was feeling quite lathargic. Bob Suggested we go for a small drive, get some fuel, smokes and even a cup of coffee.
I thought meh. Ok. Lets.
So off we whent in our Silver Sleigh... :D
Whent to the bank, got some fuel (AWESOME DEAL AT 76.5 BTW). picked up some smokes and then grabbed a coffee at the local timmies.
Bob looks over at me and asks "Where would you like to go?"
I didn't know or really care so I told him to decide.
He asked If I would like to drive by the Bay and see what the Christmas Windows look like. I thought what the hey... It might be nice to see.
And off we went.
The windows looked awesome and magical. I wish we were walking so we could get a closer look.
Then we drove up Yonge St. and it was awesome as well. Yonge Dundas Sq. had the tree up and Christmas Decorations. It was quite pretty. After taking a quick gander we continued north bound to Yonge and College where they used to have Polar Bears on the island but this time it was a HUGE SLEIGH! it was very pretty.
I wish I had my Camera but all I had was the cell cam. So I took some pics using that. I don't think they turned out so well. I'll post them later.
But I have to say... For that moment in the car it sure did feel like the holidays were approaching, and it didn't feel too bad.
Who knows maybe Bob's trying to de-scroogify me subtly.
I'll post pics from my phone.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Up untill Today...

There's been tons of stress, and tons of crap... all of which has made it hard to get into the Christmas Spirit. My Husband has been breaking the "BALLS" so to speak about us putting up the Christmas Tree.
Frankly I was in no mood to even entertain the idea, but low and behold we have a super sized XMAS tree up in the condo.
He even made me go with him to get an ORNAMENT for our first Christmas in our own home.
I suppose I should be a little happ

I have to say that watching Bob get the tree out and put up the ornaments was nice. I was glad to see him enjoying something. He's like a little kid.
The finished product isn't so bad but it is huge. I mean the tree is too big for the condo. He's so proud of it. I could be a scrooge and say anything negative. I thought it would crush him.
After we got the tree up he started talking about the Christmas Train Set he is dying to get on the dining room table. WHAT have I started?!?! If I give in to the train set its going to look like fugging Santa's work shop in here. All we'd be missing is elves... well Bob thinks i am really short, and considering all my friends are my height then I guess we've got the elves covered too.
If I break down and allow the train set I'll get some pictures up so you guys can laugh at me yet again.
Happy Holidays.
The View From ...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I feel like...

... I've been lacking depth lately.
I noticed this when i was reading some of my blogmates posts.
I can't get out the stuff I want.
I feel like it would end up being a shit storm of words on the page that just don't make any sence to any one but me.
That's why most of my posts as of late have been light.
I have a crap load of stuff in my head.
I haven't been able to sleep even with the TV on.
Usually it drowns out the noise in my head, but it just seems like the noise in my head has been getting louder. It's like it's drowning out the sound from the TV.
I want to sleep. I want to have quiet head space.
Who needs depth anyway.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Last Night....
Ducky, Lise, Lee Thanks so much for spending time with me last night and letting me entertain you with my silly stories.
I am so glad that I get to spend any time with you guys at all.
So Here's to some cookie dough... I'll be making cookies Sunday!
Friday, November 14, 2008
To Review or Not to Review...
There is also an App called "GooeyEvents" and this app is great if you like planning stuff. You can make groups out of your contact list already on your pod or phone, and plan events. The app sends an email to the people in the group and cues them to RSVP to the event. It then notifies you of confirmed guest, and those who won't be able to attend.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008


It seems I am very likely going to be up until the break of dawn, while my Ipood and I get to know each other better.
I recently upgraded my firmware to version 2.1 And It's okay. It seems to run just slightly better than the 1.14 hacked ver. I was running before.
I miss my backgrounds and some of the cooler apps that I had the option of running before, but the truth is I love the quality of the new stuff.
Right now I am dealing with a file sharing app that allows me server space, and I am just setting up the network and getting the files copied.
All this while I talk to lisa on google chat, and prepare this blog post.
I feel like this is most productive I've been in a while.
So I finally got a shit load of files copied, including I think all of my portfolio.
I am so glad this is finally complete.
Soon... I'll be shopping again for more free apps...
Below you will see 4 pages of apps and stuff.
I am still looking, and I need to synch the stuff I got off Itunes. I am such a nerd...

Sunday, November 9, 2008
What on Earth...

I am not getting it.
I have never felt sooo much anxiety in my life before.
Sure since the accident I have felt it here and there especially when I get angry but lately I feel it all the time.
The smallest little thing will set me off.
Right now for example I am feeling like my heart, and my chest are going to explode.
I am feeling serious anxiety. I am feeling like I want to just fucking lay down and die.
When did this all begin?
Is this all a byproduct of working at CPF???
Is it being brought back now that I work in a similar environment?
I am not sure.
I can't deal with this... I need shit to change. I am thinking I might need to see a neuro-psychologist again.
Something just isn't right.
Good help us all if I have a heart attack. I will be rendered COMPLETELY USELESS!
Not like I am of any use right now anyhow.
This shit sucks.
I don't know if I am feeling this kind of anxiety because of all the other shit that's going on in my life or if I am just becoming a psychologically disturbed person?
Is this going to continue to get worse? Am I going to become mentally ill?
I've begun doubting my self and my decisions. I think I am about to make a good choice when I completely screw things up. Or why do I think I am going to make a bad choice when I am about to make the best choice yet?
Answers. I need answers. Somebody please give me something to push these crazy feelings away.
IPood Party :D
Here's to Cameron, Pedro, Lise, and Nade for a wonderful evening!
We ate cookies drank coffee, and tea, and hacked ipoods... :D
What an awesome evening...
Now if only I had thought far enough ahead to take photos of the jamboree....
Right now I am at work yawning away.
I hope its an uneventful day. :D
Saturday, November 8, 2008
If I were to use a label...

The First Step:
Now to see what happens.
I already have a site design in mind with many new and interesting ideas that I didn't implement with WBSH.
I won't be sharing just yet. Don't want to give away all my secrets.
Now to wait until there is sufficient cash flow, and they will be supprized.
"You may have won the war... but the battle isn't over yet."
Don't count me out or down.
Crash is gonna attempt a come back.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Wow Part 2!
1) She really is cool.
2) She's suffered a lot... I can feel her pain.
3) Seems like she has her shit together.
4) She has run into the same issues that all women riders do... Men and Riders in general SUCK ASS!
I can continue on for ever and ever.
It seems like we hit it off quite well.
Who knows, this acquaintance could turn into friendship... up until a few nights ago I thought I had enough friends. Now ... I might have room in my heart for one more. :D
She is smart, strong, and poised... and all the things that I don't consider myself to be.
So I guess It was a good thing to follow my gut and do the coffee thing.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Evening shift WOO HOO.
When out of the blue I strike up a convo with this agent.
She is Tall Blonde and Gorgeous.
A strong Business women. Driven.
The person I want to be and somewhere under all this frozen ability am.
She dropped a little hint of motorcycle riding into the convo. I was completely taken aback.
I was like shut up you ride?!?!
She said YUP!
I started to wind up to ask her what she rode as she pulled out her pda and shows me this picture of herself on some kind of cruiser (I don't know much about cruisers, so I don't know what kind of bike it was.) I still should have asked. I think it was rude of me not to.
I immediately took out the ipoood touch it and showed her the slew of bikes I have owned and crashed... ok.... wrote off.
Then I find out she's gone through a very similar life altering accident and alot of other similar stuff.
I am in awe.
It seems like she's come back better and stronger than I have.
I wonder if I can make it to where she is.
Time to bring the Mantra back.
I always did things this way when it came to bikes.
I did it when Tara and I started WBSH ... The motto stayed Bigger Badder Better Stronger. I've had this train of thought long before Kanye West came out with it... I think that song is going to be my new theme song.
Back to the original theme of this post:
The agent I spoke to this evening.
I am glad to have had that moment of discussion.
I don't feel like the only one any more.
It's nice to know other women have dealt with the same shit and still made it.
Now if only I could get everything back where it was before.
I think it will only be a matter of time.
Here's to Women like us;
Keep fighting the good fight,
Never let the bitches see us sweat,
We will always be on top even if we feel like we've lost it.
Now to keep to it... I am sure if i was still riding. I wouldn't feel so shitty about life.
Maybe I should ride again. I may only feel strong then.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Anniversary...
were going to have an awesome day together I was so excited, and then
so disappointed. No surprise there.
I found out at like 11 am that my husband made a decision and acted on
it with out even consulting me. What do you think happens next? An
arguement! We totally get in to it. I even yelled at him. I
appologized for yelling after wards, but bob doesn't. I was angry all
day. He didn't even think to appologize. It ruined my whole day.
I didn't even want to go to my parents house for dinner. Unfortunately
I didn't have a choice. So off we went, its so hard to pretend nothing
is wrong in front of your parents. Especially when the dinner is an
anniversary dinner.
I fucking quit!
Happy Anniversary to me!
Sent from my iPod
Monday, November 3, 2008
I have Moday Off
It's like ten to 9 am and the traffic both ways is ridiculous.
It nice to just sit here and not have to worry about the daily grind. :D
Maybe one day I'll have to worry about it. Glad it's not today :D
Have a great day every one.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Welcome to My Office...

Seeing as I had all this spare room in the condo, I figured we could move the Patio Furniture inside so it doesn't get damaged, and now I have an additional seating area away from the Tv, and the too confortable sofas.
I think when I go back into business for my self I will use this as a place to meet with clients.
What do you guys think?
For now it's not bad. But I am not sure about the future.
I mean it could also be a place to read or even do homework if I decide to return to school.
I guess we'll see what the future holds.
This is where I am sitting tonight to post my blog entry. :D
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I LOVE this stupid quiz...
So Crystal at work turned me on to it.
I tried the first version of it, and it was awesome.
The questions are so random it's ridiculous.
I think all you guys will like it.
It's kept me busy for a while... lol I do mean a while.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I am so lucky to have good friends...
Thanks so much!
Saturday, October 25, 2008

I guess this is the CROCKS version of UGS...
If I never see another pair of Crocks again in my life I will live to be a happy person. Crocks have to be one of my biggest pet peeves.
They're ugly. People say their comfortable. Then they start wearing them around the office. Then these people start to make excuses for why they are wearing them...
Day Dreaming ....

Driving a GMC Sierra with 2 bikes on a trailer behind you through these roads was awesome. I had such a good time.

Friday, October 24, 2008
On Self Examination,
My hubby is working late, and I had sometime to catch up on my reading. I found that there were a couple of posts, and/or comments that were made in reference to me.
These posts and comments made me cry. I was overwhelmed. This is not typical for me.
I especially found it odd considering that the things that were written about me were complimentary.
Isn't this odd?
I have always had a hard time accepting compliments let alone feeling they are deserved. I don't do well, but today I found it especially hard. I don't know why seeing a few compliments made me cry.
I mean it could be PMS, or something deeper.
I don't want to bore you guys with journey into my childhood, but seriously WTF???
When will I be glad to receive a compliment, when will it become an easy thing to do.
Now I am completely at a loss.
I'll get back to you guys on this topic another day... maybe when I'm not feeling so weird.
ok got myself edumacated....
And they are so cool they have an entire estore to themselves...
The Pashmina Store

I love it. I want like a million of them. :D
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Borrowed Lise's Pashpina
I want to yak!
I swear all the stress is killing me lately. I feel like just puking everywhere. I might just have to stick my finger down my throat to make the feeling go away.
God help me.
Speaking of puking, this is just something to make those of us who are feeling icky snicker at stupidity.
Shoulder pads.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I used to have this business partner.
She used to be a big part of my life.
I used to forgive her for all of her bad choices.
She never gave me a second chance.
She used me to start a business because she couldn't do it herself.
I let her.
She stole from me and the company.
I let her.
She got me kicked off a professional forum.
I didn't do anything about it.
She would take kick backs from other companies.
I never did it.
She made me out to be the villain.
I didn't defend myself.
Now she's started a new company.
We haven't dissolved the old one yet.
She owes me money.
I never asked for it.
She lied on her taxes, and stole half my write offs.
I let her do that too.
I introduced her to a lawyer for her frivolous law suit.
She didn't say thank you when she got a $25000 pay out.
She didn't pay anything back to me.
I was surprised.
Can you see who's at fault?
I can.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thanks Foodie...
I can't wait to steal pictures off your blog to post on mine... :D
Sunday, October 19, 2008
On Defeat...

Is defeat really defeat when somewhere in our subconscious mind we know the outcome before the battle even began?
Why do we fight for the things that we know are always the worst for us?
I wish I understood. If I did I would be able to help others who travel in those very same footsteps, and I could lead them in a better direction.
I wish someone had put some foot prints in front of me to follow (in my youth), but I didn't have a friend who cared enough about me to do that. The only people in my life then, were people who wanted to exploit me, and they did.
It hurts me to see my friends go through pain, especially pain caused by others. I can only hope that I can be there for them when the bad things happen. I can only hope I will be the friend they need to have around them. The Person who can bring light to what they think are the dark and hopeless moments. The moments that they think they will carry with them for ever.
You are victorious in removing something so toxic in your life that you have questioned, who you are, your value, what you deserve, and what you should want.
Don’t let the actions of others determine what you will receive in YOUR life.
Change your Mantra…
No friend, boyfriend, family member will exploit my feelings for them.
I will do as much or as little as I WANT to do for the afore mentioned group.
It’s my destiny.
I love you. I am sorry for your pain. I am sorry that it just keeps happening.
Know this: You are an exceptional person with enough light inside of you to light the world aglow. You can show us your light when you're ready.
Hey Delilah....
...or should I say Sarah Palin...
I laughed at this... and I am sure you will too.
Thanks Keney for pointing this out to me.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Every one has a Story...
Blog Archive
- A trying 24 hours ...
- Another Day Another Dollar.
- Worst Christmas On RECORD!
- Hacked!!!!
- I'm Back...
- From the Depths Below...
- Still Going...
- The kindness of Strangers.
- The Tudors Marathon
- Just saw this on one of my fav Blogs...
- Dragons Den is awesome!
- Greek Tv Pix
- Just needed to get out...
- Now that we all know....
- Hypertension...
- Still Catching Up
- I think the image says it all...
- Bah Hum Bug Pix
- Bah Hum Bug... Or not?
- Up untill Today...
- The View From ...
- I feel like...
- Last Night....
- To Review or Not to Review...
- Today....
- Ipoooding...
- What on Earth...
- IPood Party :D
- If I were to use a label...
- The First Step:
- Wow Part 2!
- Wow...
- Happy Anniversary...
- I have Moday Off
- Welcome to My Office...
- I LOVE this stupid quiz...
- I am so lucky to have good friends...
- W....T.....F......?!?!?!??!???????
- Day Dreaming ....
- On Self Examination,
- ok got myself edumacated....
- Google Image Search.. what ever number it is...
- Borrowed Lise's Pashpina
- I want to yak!
- Shoulder pads.
- Treachery
- Thanks Foodie...
- Electric....
- On Defeat...
- Hey Delilah....
- Every one has a Story...