at the Office that is.
NOTE: for those of you who took the time out of your days to read what I posted yesterday you would have noticed that I wrote that I forgot to forward the phones at the office.
The truth is I DID NOT FORGET!
The phones were forwarded. I just forgot to put the service ring on. My work mate almost convinced me of such, until I remembered that I called the office to check that the lines were forwarded and spoke to the answering service.
I hate that people make me doubt myself.
Any how.
It's nice to be alone today. I am sure it's going to be another slow day but that's ok. I don't mind.
I hope I get to see some of the fun agents today for a while.
So ... you'll be happy to know that I finally SLEPT last eve.
At about 1 am I was so completely exhausted that I passed out. It was awesome. I drove the hubby to work this morning then fell asleep for a couple more hours. Ah joyful blissful sleep. I bet I had a smile on my face the whole time. *sigh* It was complete Awesomeness!
I have noticed that since I have been working here, and since I have been away from the psychos at C21 my posts seem almost melancholy. Isn't that weird?
I went from ANGRY NASTY BITCHY wanting to kill the whole world Crash to ... Meh!
In fact Lise says ever since I married the Bob, that I am much happier over all and don't seem to have an angry bone in my body any more.
That makes me sad.
As I sit here preparing to bite into my Bagel, I feel like I should be mourning. I have this huge sense of loss. Truth be told I liked the angry Crash a lot. I liked my personality and the fact that I seemed to smile a whole lot more.
It's like a wild horse they are so strong and beautiful in their state of nature, unconformed unchanged and most of all not broken.
Once these steeds are broken it's like they are stuck in this perpetual state of MEH! I think that's what's happened to me since I got married. It's just what I had always feared.
I've been BROKEN! I didn't even see it happening. I feel like I've been conned.
The worst part of this is that even if I wanted to return to my wild self I couldn't. I wouldn't know how. I got fat. and utterly complacent.
Ok... I'm getting depressed... I am going to go back to munching on my whole wheat begal and stop posting for today. Meh.
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