I would like to know what people are thinking?
I was talking to a friend of mine recently and they were telling me about this scam that's been going around the facebook motorcycle community.
Apparently there is this guy who seems to think that he was wrongfully accused and charged with speeding.
So there are friends of his soliciting 2-5 dollars from other members of this group so that he can fight his stupid ticket.
Is it just me or are you also offended by this bullshite?
I've been the unlucky recipient of traffic tickets, and frankly I deserved them. I fought them and won. Had I lost I would have paid my fines and watched my insurance rates go up like a good little girl.
Not this guy. NOOOO. He's crying that his insurance is going to go up, it's going to affect his employment and he could even loose it. WAH. Boo fucking hoo... Seriously.
What is wrong with the world today? No one takes responsibility for their actions, and every one has this retarded misplaced sense of entitlement.
Those of you who would even consider giving this dumb fuck a cent have lost your fucking minds.
When his friends were confronted by certain members of this online community they said that "he" wasn't asking for the money. They were asking on his behalf. That's still fucking shady as he's part of the group. He should speak out then and say that he has nothing to do with this and doesn't condone it, and that he doesn't want others to pay for his crime (innocent or not).
I hate shite like this.
I am so angry about this.
GROW THE FUCK UP, grow a set of your own nads, stop relying on people to get you out of trouble that you clearly got yourself into, and most of all shut the fuck up and stop your crying.
OMG Share who this douche is!!!!
I am so glad that I never got acquainted with most of the fucktards that ride motorcycles in the GTA. God they are such idiots.
Lol i miss my bike.
The guy and his friends are in Brittain.
Sorry it took me so long...
But it's true, I haven't made any friends on FB from any motorcycle community because they're all a bunch of crackheads.
ps. I miss my bike too.
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