Sunday, January 4, 2009

2008 Meh...

... No really.

I don't know why it is that every new year we think things are going to get better. Honestly why do we set our selves up for that kind of disappointment?

I think that 2007 was probably one of the best years I've had ever.

Don't get me wrong there were a lot of good things that came with 2008.

The Condo is one of them I guess. I am glad that Bob and I took that step but on the other hand there are days that I think that could have been our worst decision.

Frankly there have been a lot of ups and downs but the over all consensus with regards to the past year is MEH!

There haven't been any serious ups. Or Ups that would be considered to make your year.

Countless Job Interviews.

No new position.

Poor Bobby's stuck at that stupid company and they haven't given him any guaranteed hours.

They're starting to treat him like shit there now too. they do it to all their employees.

Money has consistently been an issue, and continues to be.

I've never had so many trips to speak to the branch manager at my bank in my life. EVER. Most if not all of these trips consist of me crying due to some error made by a teller.

All my friends have been going through some of the worst crap I could imagine except for one. Nadine somehow manages to find her way above all the crap. God bless her.

Meh... to you 2008.

Let's see what happens in 09.

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