Ok so... Last night I was working, and this very lucid NUT CASE comes into the office asking for my Boss. I told him he wasn't in. He insisted he was in because he had seen his scarf on a coat hanger by the door.
I thought I might actually be wrong so I tried his extensions. SURPRISE there wasn't an answer. He then asks me if the gentleman on the phone in the lobby was an agent, of course I said yes because he was.
He told him he need to find a place, then directed me to get him some coffee, (I was totally like WTF???) I went any way he might actually be a client. He then proceeds to use up all our amenities, like Internet and such, I even found him at my desk on my phone upon my return (fetching his coffee!), I couldn't take my calls or get back to work until he was done.
Don (the agent) noticed that he had crossed the line and asked him to the closing room.
What a mistake that was because he then made himself comfortable, and turned OUR closing room into his personal office. People started calling here for him!
Like this one guy, he asked for Jimmy Devine. I said I didn't know who that was. He practically yelled at me saying that his brother called him from this number I should know who he is... At that point I deduced that the whole family is NUTS!
Any how... there were a few agents here, and they called my Boss to find out if he actually knew this guy seeing as he Name Dropped. My Boss told them that yes he did know him, but he is a little looney and that he shouldn't really be here. He said he's not dangerous, but to stay here with me until they got him to leave.
So that ended well last night. He was gone and life is good right?
Well I found out that he is on a specific industry list of people to be careful about.
Guess who decides to drop by the office TONIGHT???? .... THE NUT CASE JIMMY DEVINE...
This time I didn't think any one was in the office. He asked me to get and agent to call the office to speak to him ... and I did. The agent called, spoke to him and their conversation was over.
Frankly I think that's part of his modus operandi... He makes it look like he has actual legitimate business in the place he is harassing, and then can run his craziness there.
The funny thing about this is that I am used to dealing with nut jobs. You know the ones. They are outwardly fucking psycho, so you know whats coming and you can be aggressive with them.
This guy wasn't like that at all. When I say LUCID I mean it. Totally lucid, calm, soft spoken and intelligent. Like Hannibal Lecter.
That was creepy.
I found an agent (the one remaining) in the office and he was here last night so he knew the situation, he said he would stay as long as he needed to.
The guy just started making out going calls to random people. He was talking about patients and appointments and shit like that.
I don't know if this guy is a megalomaniac or something like that, but WOW.
Safe to say he's gone now, but I think he'll be back in the morning. I'm glad I won't be here, but not happy that the girls who will be here will have to deal with him.
All I have to say is he better not be anywhere near my vehicle when I get outta here tonight.
Fucking shit.
Just when you thought you'd seen it all.
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