Saturday, January 16, 2010

OMG I cant believe this...

I am watching The Dog Whisperer and I can't believe what I'm seeing. First of all the show is focusing on ill tempered and spoiled chihuahuas. This one chihuahua is named El Diablo, and is dominating like 6 pitty's... WTF????
How is this even possible. El Diablo weighs 5 freaking pounds.
I'm glad to see that this show generally shows pit bulls in a positive light. I think it's good for the message "Punish the Deed not the Breed"
If I had the room I would absolutely adopt a pit bull, but I don't have the room in my condo and since the government here in Ontario passed the ban on pit bulls there are fewer and fewer of them. I think it's sad.

Also can I say how sad it is that some one in Northern Ontario can own a tiger which has mauled a little boy, and then him (it's owner), but I can't own a pit bull. Just sayin.

1 comment:

Wikked Windy said...

I'd love to get a pitbull. They are so misunderstood. Though I gotta admit a chihuahua bossy is not something that is unheard of. They are small dogs with big personalities. Lol jerks if you ask me. hehehe