Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Easy! Step 1-3 How Did It Get So Convoluted?

I am not going to rant for a long time I promise.
I am just wondering why it's always the simplest of instructions that people will mess up?
I mean it's really not hard.

I needed some one to literally complete a three step process and deliver the end result to me so that I can get my work done.

Instead it turned into a 30 step process with lots of tangents.
I am completely uninterested in people some days, I guess this is one of them. I'm shocked at how people just can't do what is asked of them with out making a production of every little thing.

In the case that you may think that I am actually talking about something that was complicated and calling people out for the sake of calling them out, you're wrong.
Here is what I had requested to be completed.

Print it out.
Step 2:
Sign it.
Step 3:Drop it off.

That's it. Print it out, sign it, drop it off.
Let's all say this together.
Print it out, sign it, drop it off.

I swear. That's it.

Print it out, sign it, drop it off turned into... well a whole lot more and it makes me wonder how people can find their way out of their house in the morning, let alone find their way to work... or even how they make it through a day at work...
How do you become a business owner?
I quit.


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