Sunday, February 8, 2009


I am currently at the office and won't be home for at least 2 hours. I asked my husband if he could please marinade the Chicken Breasts that were defrosting in the sink for me.
He said no.
I was like WHAT??? WHY???
He said that he didn't know how to do it. I said you sprinkle some olive oil over the breasts, use half a lemon and squeeze the juice of it on to the chicken, then sprinkle the spices over them, and mix it up with your hands.
He was like I don't know how to do it... ARRRG! What the hell does that mean???
Just get over it.
I quit.


Wikked Windy said...

It's MAN TALK for "I don't want to do it!"

@Wedding_crasher said...

LOL... I know... it just makes me want to rip his face off...
I'm a horrible wife.
I may end up killing him in his sleep. :D

Anonymous said...

next time, dear Crash, tell him he should imagine himself massaging sweet oil with spices into your own lovely two mounds...then he'll freakin' know how to do it! men! and ya wonder why i remain a hardcore lesbian??? LMAO

btw...thanks for Karen...and i tried to tell her in a polite way today how hot she really really is ;-)