Friday, June 15, 2012

Fairy Crash Godmother.

Tonight I wanted to head out somewhere for a coffee where I wouldn't see the usual suspects and would be able to walk sumo and do some reflecting.

The rest of this post may be a mess. I am feeling kind of emotional.

I stayed close to home and went to a Tim Horton's near by.

When I pulled into the parking lot a group of motorcycles caught my attention (I miss riding still to this day, and I am working with a new client that sells an aftermarket item that is great for bikes). I thought this would be a great opportunity to approach these guys and promote the company I am working for.

Long story short, there was a young woman in a wheelchair talking to the group. I had one of the riders introduce me to her. Her name is Lisa and she was T-Boned in an intersection by a drunk driver... Her situation was touch and go. Broken bones, head injury, cuts, bruises, nerve damage and a severed artery but, now she is sitting before me. I am in awe! I love how we were able to understand each other. This is truly the first time that I have ever met anyone who understood what I went through. 

Her spirit is strong, her passion for riding is reminiscent of what mine was during my recovery period. She looked at the bikes with longing as I did.

I feel like we're kindred spirits and I want to be her Fairy Crash Godmother! You know? Things like help her through the hard spots - be there for her when no one else gets what's going through her head. She's going to have some crazy bouts with anger and depression and the physical recovery! All things I am (way) familiar with. 
After talking to Lisa for a while it seems like she is going to be an inspiration to people who meet her for years to come. 

It was an honour to meet you Lisa, and it would be totally awesome if we became friends. 

Lisa, cheers to you, your passion and your recovery. If we never meet again, I would wish the world for you.