the whole morning prior to the ride I was nervous, and had butterflies, I was afraid of making a fool of myself due to my lack of physical ability. Then I started worrying about falling off, then it turned into all the "what if's" any paranoid and delusional crazy person could come up with.
Before I knew it we were leaving the office and heading to Fairview Mall (North York) with my coworkers. In order to prepare myself for what I thought was going to be this huge and crazy undertaking I three on the iPod and got my self psyched.
As it turns out the ride wasn't all that bad. Sure it was hard, but it was fun! I suppose having the group there surfing with you through the uphills, and enjoying the breeze from the down hills made it easier to participate,
I did not make a fool of my self, I did not fall off, nor did anything disastrous happen. In fact it was just the opposite, I had a great time, I proved to myself that I can take part in activities that require physical activity and I'll be ok!
Our team raised close to $3000! What a wonderful day. I did not hurt too badly the next day and it was worth it.
Thank you to the Heart and Stroke Foundation for allowing us to be a part of such a great event!
Also I would like to thank the Toronto Police for being such great escorts!
This is me being a ham :)
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