WagJag is giving a way an Apple prize pack to celebrate the launch of their Holiday Shoppe! (click on the image below to enter for your chance to win)
The rants of a motorcyclist who is sans bike and female. (Could be some random and crazy shit in here!)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Contest: WagJag is giving away an Apple Prize Pack! Enter to Win.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Insert Drumroll Here: And the #CrashBucks Winners Are:
... Before announcing the winners I'd like to thank @TwtrTwtrChknDnr for helping select the winners and @StarbucksCanada for allowing me to have some fun with this.
Winner #1 is @IAmJazzy!
Winner #2 is @ginnynotweasley!
Winner #3 is @leoraheilbronn!
Congratulations ladies! I will be sending you a DM with the store location!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Starbucks Reserve Coffee Tasting: Wanna come?
If you know me, even if only a little bit - you know how much I love my coffee. Most of all how much I love Starbucks.
Thanks to @VickiLazlo and @StarbucksCanada for giving me the opportunity to have a special private tasting of their reserve coffees on December 8th at one of their awesome locations.
Also, because this isn't something I get to do every day, I'm going to raffle off the 3 spots I have available for friends to my twitter followers.
What you have to do to win:
1) Follow @Wedding_crasher
2) In 140 characters describe why you would like to win a spot at the @StarbucksCanada Reserve Tasting (include the hashtag #CrashBucks)
3) GoodLuck! I'll be using @TwtrTwtrChknDnr to pick my winners on Wednesday December 7 at 6pm
4) check back here to see if your a winner! (I'll be dm'ing the event location to the winners)
Good luck!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
#AngelosOnKing Winner Announced:
Also I would like to thank @TwtrTwtrChknDnr for helping us choose a random winner for @AngelosOnKing 's contest!
Without further adieu, Congratulations goes to ..... Insert drumroll here:
Craig Silva aka @BigDaddyKreativ!!!! Please Dm @AngelosOnKing your info!
Keep checking in, because there will be a very special Starbucks contest coming up!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Angelo's On King
I thought it would be nice to have a little get together to try out some of his authentic Italian cuisine on Thursday November 17th. After setting all of this up, Angelo and I got to talking and he'd like to give away a $50 gift certificate to one lucky person on twitter to use at his restaurant. How super awesome of him!
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Event night came and it was an absolute success. The venue was packed, people were bidding on the silent auction items, raffle tickets were sold and we even had a spontaneous bidding war over a last minute donation from Arlene Dickinson!
The social media community really pulled together to locate and have items donated for the silent auction, then again to spread the word about the event and online ticket purchases. It was pretty amazing to see SoMe (Social Media) peeps band together for the SoGood (Social Good)!
I had the opportunity to meet and work with the other volunteers and they are all amazing in their own way. The event wouldn't have been such a success with out them. I felt honoured to be granted the opportunity to participate. I wish I could have done more but, as it turns out the volunteers involved brought their "A-Game" and it made all the difference!
Not only was it a wonderful night out but, the Event raised $10,500.00 that evening. How awesome is that?
Organizers of the event have posted a "Thank-you" blog post for the participants of #OrphanageTO
You can feel the emotion - they joy the organizers feel regarding the success of the event.
#OrphanageTO - you rock! Hope to be a part of #OrphanageTO2 next year ;)
I've created a list of Organizers, sponsors, volunteers and attendees on twitter. Follow the list or individuals, so many great people and brands.
Special thanks to the organizers: Sandra Brunner (@wallabina), Sylvie Labosse (@sylvieintoronto), Monica Kahindo (@monicakahindo) and Karen Snider (@karensnider)
The photos below we're taken and provided by Ardean Peters (@photosbyardean)
Pikto Art Gallery the evening of the event. |
Arto Yuzbasiyan's Limited Edition Watercolour Print: Queen Street |
Tweet this event: #OrphanageTO |
That's me selling raffle tickets :D Sue and I sold $1000 worth. Good Job Sue! |
This is Brian Pieters. He is the photographer who traveled to Uganda to take the wonderful photos of the children in the Nzirambi Orphans Talent Development Centre. Thank you Brian. |
Monday, October 10, 2011
Nzirambi Photo Exhibition Fundraiser
She recently began an educational fund for orphans in Nzirambi, Affrica and will be holding a Photo exhibition / fundraiser for the education of the orphans. When she asked if I would like to help out, I didn't hesitate.
Thank you Karen for inviting me to assist with your project and event!
About The Event
EventBrite Ticket Information
Tickets cost $20.00
Silent auction including a Limited Edition Print by local artist Arto Yuzbasiyan
Photo exhibition by Brian Pieters
The event will be held at the Pikto Gallery in the Distillery District.
We need all the support we can get! It's a great cause and you should be there! Join us!
To follow (on Twitter) the people involved and attendees (list is updated weekly) just check out my list.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Thinking about Crashaversary
I was touched by the amount of people who joined me in my (more like our) celebration of life. Everyone's been through something. I believe that everyone has personal victories and we should celebrate them. Having a Crashaversary was a great way to commemorate everyone's strength and passion for life.
The event was held at @e11evenToronto, and did we ever enjoy the venue the service and food. The social media engagement specialist (yes, I made that title up) Sam, was wonderful and gave out vouchers for our next visit. The sommelier @JonnyDrinks also took the time out to visit with us. Truly a wonderful experience and we were all happy to meet the people behind the twitter handles and restaurant. We've been there a few times since and plan to go back again.
I can't thank the people who attended enough. I think of all of you, and appreciate you for just... well being you. I hope that we will have many more opportunities to celebrate life and milestones and life victories (large or small) together.
One of my "tweeps" @DoomzTO even wrote his own blog post about our little gathering. *Thanks Casey.
If you 'd like to check out the people who joined us (I suggest you follow them on twitter) check out the list.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
On TweetUps
Some quick definitions before we begin:
TweetUp - An event organized by and for Tweeps.
Tweeps / Tweeple - Peeps / People on Twitter.
What is a TweetUp?
I'm sure if you haven't attended a tweet up you are wondering what it is and what it's all about; TweetUps are organized and hosted by a twitter user (anyone can do this), occasionally the organizer uses web based apps to keep track of RSVPs and to help promote their event (twtvite.com seems to be quite popular and it's what I use).
Why do people host or organize these events?
There could be a bevy of reasons including:
- Celebrations
- Network Building Events
- Educational
- Venue Promotion
I'm sure that there are many more reasons for tweeps to organize these events but, I just don't have the time to go into all of them and I'm sure you don't care that much.
Why do I attend?
My favourite reason to host or attend a TweetUp is to just "break bread" with like minded individuals in an intimate setting. I really enjoy being able to talk to everyone attending and swap great stories about life, love and work. Some of the the attendees are people I've met before and some are completely new. It's incredible when you realize that you have things in common and that you may also be able to learn something from the person sitting across from you.
It starts with sharing stories and before you know it you're sharing desert!
Last month I hosted a tweet up (#Crashaversary), I had hoped to get a group of people together who would want to celebrate life and the positive things that happen. It was wonderful because not too many people made it out and, as some took their leave - others arrived. There was a constant flow of good energy and people. I considered it a success.
Last night I made it out to an Italian Resto TweetUp, and I had the opportunity to meet new people, and see some old friends. - 10 people in total made it to the event, each one of them was interesting and had great things to share. We talked about blogs, work, food, wine and pets - before we knew it we shared tiramisu and chocolate cake.
So what are you waiting for?
It's a really great way to meet new people, broaden your network, try new things and share a desert ;)
Here is a list of people that attended this past tweet up - they are all pretty awesome!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
My Day of Opulence
Although my morning started off in a medical examination / circus freak way - it soon turned into a glamourous fun filled afternoon with friends.
I was invited to join some wonderful ladies (@SassyGirlCanada, @AyznGurl, @KimberlyHughes, @Zokai and @LisaMcPhee) for High Tea at The Windsor Arms.
I arrived a touch late and was escorted into what can only be described as the Red Room (actually named the Russian Tea Room). The walls were painted a rich red and accented with gold. It felt as if I took a huge step back in time. Although beautiful, it lacked ventilation and I felt as if I was thrusted into menopause! I think I may have preferred to have enjoyed my tea and company in the modern and better ventilated tea room.
Our server left something to be desired but, the scones, tiny rolled sandwiches, preserves, petits fours and tea came in above expectation! We were stuffed silly! The scones were fluffy, the tea had the loveliest hint of chocolate and the sweets, well - I needed a cigarette after cramming them ever so lady-like (not) down my throat.
We laughed, we talked about boys, we scowled at our server and had a wonderful time. When it was time to part ways, I thought it might be fun to stop into my most favourite place... Tiffany & Co.
I felt like a movie star today! It was wonderful! Thank you Sandy, Lisa, Kimberly, Natasha, and Shoreh for a wonderful and glamourous day! Xoxoxoxoxo
Ps. Do you think I walked out of Tiffany & Co. empty handed? HELZ NO! Happy Crashaversary to me.
Brunch Babes
Roughly a month ago (I know this took way too long to post), a few friends and I had brunch at fabulous new French resto - La Societe (Bloor St. East of Avenue Rd.). I have no idea where to start!
The decor is incredible! Dark wood, stained glass domes, marble tables and a 2 lovely patios. (I think the patio on the street level is for those who want to be seen.)
The girls and I started with mimosas (now our staple drink for brunch) and some great conversation. Our server had perfect timing and a wonderful knowledge of the menu.
I had noticed that on their brunch menu (all menus are available on their website) was this awesome sounding French toast with sautéed bananas. I knew I HAD to order it. I haven't had French toast with bananas since I was in Atlantic city, and I just had this feeling La Societe wouldn't let me down.
The meal was great, the company was awesome and the service was incredible! This was one of the best restaurants I've had the pleasure of having brunch at. I highly recommend it.
I should take Bobby... Nah! It just going to be our little secret.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Some Pictures
It's been a while since I've last posted. I'm working on getting some interesting life content up, and it won't likely be ready for a while. In the place of a blog post I'd like to share some pictures.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
How To: Make a Peppermint Mocha At Home
I've been spending a ridiculous amount of money at Starbucks as of late. I should be a shareholder at this rate. It's all due to a very special drink: Peppermint mocha!
I had to find away to save my money and still get my fix. I unfortunately only have a Tassimo Coffee machine at home, how on earth was I going to create a mocha?
I'll tell you how; I purchased some espresso disks, a bottle of peppermint syrup (I purchased the Starbucks syrup, you may prefer the Torani brand) Starbucks mocha powder mix for the syrup and milk!
I do not like the dairy disks available from Tassimo for cappuccinos and lattes. I find it has a gross after-taste.
Now here's how you make your peppermint mocha:
2 squirts of peppermint syrup in your cup
2 squirts of mocha syrup in your cup
Make your Tassimo espresso
Add hot milk (amount may vary according to personal taste, I like at least 8oz)
Stir and TADA!!!! Peppermint mocha at a fraction of the cost!
I'm drinking one right now!
(the image below is a mocha from the DarkHorse on Queen, delish!)
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Best Afternoon Evar :)
Spring cleaning, sunshine, balcony, family and a BBQ! These are the lovely things that I got to enjoy today.
Bobby and I have cleaned the balcony, and the patio furniture, we put up our solar powered patio lights, and we even got to enjoy them for a while!
We cleaned the house and then went to my parents home for a BBQ, really could this day get any better? Well yes it could. Our solar powered lights are working! How awesome!
I love days like today, although there was a lot of work, the pay off was above and beyond my expectations. Just need to be thankful. :)
Sunday, May 22, 2011
I Hate Shopping
1. I hate shopping.
2. I hate shopping.
3. I hate shopping!!!!!
Since the accident I have been putting on weight. It's been really hard with my injuries to be active enough to loose weight. I'm not sure what size I've expanded to but but it's not one of the good ones.
Before the accident I was a size 4-6, now I guess I would be a 14-16. That puts me right in between regular sizes and plus sizes... Well not really.
In today's world most clotting manufacturers cut small, which does put me into plus sizes.
This means that i can't purchase clothing from my favorite brands, they don't make my size, it's heart breaking. Plus size clothing doesn't make me happy and there's no in between.
On a good day I leave the mall depressed, on bad day.... Tears.
I'm lucky that I was able to find a couple of nice things to wear today, but I did't get my True Religion jeans, or a pair of dress pants, or even a dress shirt that I liked.
I'm having a difficult time accepting me as I am, and an even harder time accepting clothing manufacturers sizing,
I'm sad, angry and really disappointed. What's worse is I'm sure people think I'm lazy and eat too much and that's why I'm fat. I can see it in sales peoples eyes. They don't even want to help me when I walk into a store.
Femme de Carrier was one of the worst offenders today. Sales people looked at me like I was nuts, I almost had to beg in order to get their attention. Turns out the didn't want to waste their time as the largest size they carry is a 12.
I don't even walk into stores like Costa Blanca, Guess, and the like. I just figured Femme de Carrier is a mature brand and would have sizes for professional women, I guess women my size have to dress like slobs :(
I hate shopping!
/end rant.
Friday, May 20, 2011
My Happiness
I'm sure I've blogged about Sumo or mentioned him in at least one blog post.
Roughly a year ago Bobby and I really started to contemplate getting a dog. Bobby has always been partial to the English bulldog breed. I knew that we didn't have the time or the energy to start with a puppy, and thanks to my fired Liz who used to work at THS I am more than aware of how many adult dogs need homes.
Bobby had never had any pets and I knew he wouldn't be prepared for the amount of work an animal requires. I thought I would seek out a rescue organization that may have a bulldog available for foster. Lucky me I found a breed specific rescue that was willing to let us be foster parents. That's how Sumo came into our lives.
Not too long after I came to the realization that I would not be able to give him up. I was broken hearted at the thought of returning him to the rescue. Bobby and I knew we would have to adopt him, so we did and we've been a family ever since.
Our one year adoption anniversary is approaching as is Sumo's fifth birthday. I couldn't imagine what our life would be like with out him. I love him more everyday, and hope to help him over come the rest of his doggie issues.
Dear Sumo,
You are my happiness. Happy anniversary buddy!
From your Doggie Adoptive Parents
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Heart and Stroke Foundation Big Bike Ride
the whole morning prior to the ride I was nervous, and had butterflies, I was afraid of making a fool of myself due to my lack of physical ability. Then I started worrying about falling off, then it turned into all the "what if's" any paranoid and delusional crazy person could come up with.
Before I knew it we were leaving the office and heading to Fairview Mall (North York) with my coworkers. In order to prepare myself for what I thought was going to be this huge and crazy undertaking I three on the iPod and got my self psyched.
As it turns out the ride wasn't all that bad. Sure it was hard, but it was fun! I suppose having the group there surfing with you through the uphills, and enjoying the breeze from the down hills made it easier to participate,
I did not make a fool of my self, I did not fall off, nor did anything disastrous happen. In fact it was just the opposite, I had a great time, I proved to myself that I can take part in activities that require physical activity and I'll be ok!
Our team raised close to $3000! What a wonderful day. I did not hurt too badly the next day and it was worth it.
Thank you to the Heart and Stroke Foundation for allowing us to be a part of such a great event!
Also I would like to thank the Toronto Police for being such great escorts!
This is me being a ham :)