The rants of a motorcyclist who is sans bike and female. (Could be some random and crazy shit in here!)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The View From Here.
Just thought I'd share.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Christmas Wish List.
I know what I want ... WOOOT.
Just a disclaimer. I am not interested in having anyone other than my family purchase these things for me. Infact I may just purchase them for myself.
Item Number1: Apple iPad.
I've been eying this little piece of technology for a while. When it first came about I wasn't really impressed by it, but after having used one I can tell you with out a doubt that this is the coolest little piece of tech anyone can hold in their hand.
Want it. Will Get it... (even if I have to buy it for myself)
Item Number2: Tiffany & Co. Elsa Peretti Bean Pendant in Black Pendant.
LOVE all things Tiffany & Co.
This pendant and leatherette necklace are so great and would look awesome under a white collared button down shirt.
(then again anything from T&C would make me happy this year.)
Item Number3: a new TV?
Anything larger than the 27" we've got in the living room. It's sooooo small. A larger TV would make the hubby sooo happy. I'm just trying to decide what size and brand to get... he's going to love it. (ok that's going to be my gift to him.)
That's it for the wish list.
Just thought I would share.
Hope you guys get what you want for Christimas.
Check your stockings.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sometimes Starbucks is My Favourite Place on the Planet.
I'm here catching up on some blogging watching a movie getting all kinds of free samples of Starbucks Christmas beverages.
I'm loving my life right now.
I've tried the Gingerbread Latte, and the Peppermint Mocha looking forward to what else might come down the line. It's a beautiful day outside and it would seem all is right with the world. Even if things aren't exactly right ... At this moment in time I feel like things couldn't be any better.
Thank You Starbucks.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Doggie Costume?

I had to stop into PetSmart today to pick up a Kong for Sumo. As I walked around the store I stumbled upon doggie Halloween costumes. I this one would fit Sumo's Personality Perfectly. :D
It was tough to walk away from, but I didn't want to spend the 20.00 on something I could enjoy only once a year (because I'm sure he would hate wearing it). None the less It is a cute idea.
In case you're looking for costumes for your pup PetSmart has some fun and interesting ideas.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Real Housewives of Danforth
I was totally relaxed when I got here. Picked up my Caramel Macchiatto, talked to the barista (who told me I have a beautiful smile... Like I didn't already know), sat down and started to work when out of the blue 3 of The Real Housewives of Danforth sat next to me.
Damn it all to hell ... I was headed for trouble and prepared to bite my tongue for the duration of their stay.
As I was trying to complete the work that I had set out for my day, my eardrums were abused by the constant chatter, and gossip these "ladies" were spewing. Some of it was quite venomous. They spoke about their ex-husbands, the women that their current spouses were stepping out with, the children and how wrong it is to use them as pawns (but they obviously took part in that practice as evidenced by part of their later discussion).
The best part: They thought they were being smart and were swapping in Greek words for their English counterparts and whispered the names of those involved for fear that someone Greek might be lurking near by...
I now know the private details of so many people both my husband and I grew up with it's not funny.
Let this be a lesson: Don't speak ill of people.
Should have remembered to bring my earphones.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Vote TO

That's right today is election day in Toronto. I've been dreading this day for a while now.
With the exception of one candidate I don't really dislike any of the candidates, on the other hand I don't love any of them either. this year voting for mayor has been a difficult process for me.
I've read about their platforms. I've kept myself appraised of any changes, and yet I still lack confidence in the choice I made.
I did head down to the polling station earlier today. I did cast my votes for councilor and mayor, and now I am second guessing my choices.
I've never felt like this after voting. I'm typically confident and excited to learn the results. This time around I'm disconnected and almost dreading the outcome.
Is any one else feeling this way?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I May Shoot Myself in the Foot but, At Least I'm Consistent.

So... This past week in my "Social Media Life" I received a DM (direct message) from a follower who gave me an ultimatum. I was surprised that some one would have the gumption regardless of what their professional capacity is to give me an ultimatum based on my social media use and preference.
I was shocked and incredibly dismayed that this "follower", happens to dislike one of the third party location based applications that I use and occasionally use to update my twitter account.
Anyhow, this "follower" sends me a DM which I mistook for someone looking to have a conversation about said third party application. Man was I wrong. Thankfully it did not get too ugly, but I made sure that person was aware that I am not accustomed to ultimatums in my personal or professional life. Furthermore if the the ultimatum was either stop using the third party app or loose them as a follower, I'm sure you know what decision I made.
I don't even use that application all that much, but it was more about the principle than the application.
The best part of this story is that the "follower" who tweeted with me through DM, and subsequently blocked is quite well known and works in the PR field (So I guess that means they have a right to dictate what I can and cannot use on mobile devices that I bought and paid for, on an account that I have maintained... WRONG).
Way to stick to your guns while shooting your self in the foot.
Do I regret my decision? No I don't.
It's called being true to one's self ILR (in real life) and ISM(in social media) I would never put up with an ultimatum IRL so why would I put up with them in ISM.
So there you have it. I shot my self in the foot, but at least I'm consistent.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
No Tomboy, No Cry.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Nail Polish / Lacquer
I recently became the Lucky recipient of 12 bottles of O~P~I nail lacquer. A huge thank you to both O~P~I and .
As A tomboy I haven't had much luck with painting my own nails, in fact I typically suck at it, but it seems things are going to change. I tried the nail lacquer the other day and I managed to keep it clean. Not bad Chris.
I also thought I didn't like nail polish because it doesn't stay on long seeing as I'm hard on my nails, between the dog, cooking, and working on the notebook any polish or lacquer I've used doesn't seem to have the wherewithal to stay on. The O~P~I brand has not only managed to stay on longer than any other polish I've used, but hasn't chipped or started look old.
The collection of colours sent me is awesome. I can rock a different awesome colour every week for 12 weeks. That's just amazing to me. I may just be heading towards girly.
I love it. I may be painting my nails more often thanks to O~P~I and .
Friday, October 8, 2010
Adoption Fait Compli

We fostered him for 3 months, he picked up on the training and started to become a well behaved doggie. He still has some problems with his dog aggression but I hope to have the chance to take him to a good and reputable dog training class.
It will be so great when he becomes better behaved around the other pets in the neighbourhood. I think he will be happier as well.
So ... Welcome home little guy.
We love you.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
EFF Success: Jailbreaking and Unlocking Now Legal in the US.
The other day (July 26 2010) in San Fransisco the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) claimed victory over Apple and it's proprietary lock on what it's consumers could and couldn't do with their iPhone / iPod / iPad. The victory came in the form of exemptions to the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act).
After reading the Official Press Release I was pleased to see that the powers that be do not consider jailbreaking a copyright infringement and are "liberating" iDevice users in the US and allowing them to modify, jailbreak and unlock their units if they so please.
"The first of EFF's three successful requests clarifies the legality of cell phone "jailbreaking" — software modifications that liberate iPhones and other handsets to run applications from sources other than those approved by the phone maker. More than a million iPhone owners are said to have "jailbroken" their handsets in order to change wireless providers or use applications obtained from sources other than Apple's own iTunes "App Store," and many more have expressed a desire to do so. But the threat of DMCA liability had previously endangered these customers and alternate applications stores."
Why is unlocking and jailbreaking so important? Unlocking and jailbreaking make devices interoperable and that's how capitalism should work. It will allow for consumers to recycle devices, and choose Apps that are not chosen for us by Apple. This is a small step for technology but a huge leap for consumers.
Will this ruling facilitate a iOS4 jailbreak similar to SpiritJB? Will more developers be willing to work on jailbreaking and creating apps for jailbroken devices? Will this increase the demand for Apps from Cydia and other repositories? How will this affect the cost of these applications? I'm also curious to see if Apple will be more accepting of the applications that are available for jailbroken devices and if they will try to absorb them into the AppStore?
(Yes that was a crap load of questions, and I am sure that we'll not only get answers to these questions but, we'll see some interesting developments with this news.)
It's exciting to see our neighbours to the south moving forward with regards to Digital Locks and copyrights. What are the implications for Canada? Will we follow suit and free ourselves from the clutches of the Apple App store (not that it's stopped us yet)?
Bill C-32 is the Canadian Equivalent to the DMCA, and will be reviewed by Tony Clement and his department according to
"Tony Clement, Canada's minister of industry, said on Twitter that his department is reviewing the ruling to see what the implications may be for Bill C-32, the copyright reform legislation he and Heritage Minister James Moore unveiled in June.
(written for
iPhone 4 VS Jailbroken 3G: To Buy or Not to Buy?
I’ve been approached by many iPhone users, and they have asked me if it’s going to be worth upgrading to the iPhone 4 if they currently own a jailbroken 3G or 3Gs. The truth is that I’ve had a REALLY hard time with this myself. I love having the newest coolest piece of tech on the market, but I just haven’t been able to justify spending the dollars on the newest member of Apple’s iPhone family.
I’ve tried to convince myself that I should get the iPhone 4, but it’s just not working. It all comes down to: What can the iPhone4 do that my Jailbroken 3G can’t?
A Comparison:
iPhone4 | Jailbroken 3G | |
Organization: | Folders | Categories and PogoPlank (apps available from Cydia that organize your icons.) |
Customization: | Wallpaper (no icon customization or complete themes from lockscreen and slider to wallpaper and icons) | Themes that allow for lockscreen, slider, icon, and background customization/ personalization (available from Cydia) |
Video: | Stock HD video recording ability | Cycorder (App available from cydia turns camera into video camera) not HD |
Video Calling: | FaceTime | Might be able to MacGyver Fring to do it, but not face to face like iPhone 4. Might also need to download Voice over 3G from Cydia. |
Camara: | 5Mpx with Led Flash, touch focus GeoTagging. | Meh… just 2Mpx, no cool touch to focus stuff and sigh, no geotagging. (I’m going to try to live with out those features) |
Resolution: | Retina 640 x 960 | 320 x 480 |
Run Apps in Background: | Multi-tasking | BackGrounder |
I’ll admit the upgrades to the camera are HAWT, and the look of the iPhone 4 is sleek and sexy in comparison to the 3G (I am in LOVE with the volume control buttons) but, I’m not so sure I want to part with the $$ for a display that is so ridiculously awesome I won’t be able to tell just how awesome it is with my bare eyes, and the reported antenna problems that have plagued the iPhone 4 (even if it was blown out of proportion by the media and Apple is giving away free bumpers).
If you think you can't live with out the features the iPhone 4 has to offer then by all means line up July 30th and grab the newest piece of cellular technology Apple has to offer and enjoy it!
I on the other hand would like to let Apple and Steve Jobs know: You definitely got my attention, I'm just not sure when and if you’ll get my money.
(written for
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Need to write something.
I've been having a difficult time trying to get words together on a page since my Grandfather passed away. I've been feeling quite guilty. I had promised that I would be able to provide 1 article per week to my friends at the Cellular
I haven't come forth with anything really in like almost 3 weeks. Feeling the block was hard, but getting out of it was harder.
I will be trying to put up a few posts a week here on my personal blog so that I can just get the creative or writing juices flowing.
I've been quite lucky so far. The guys at have published a few articles for me already.
here are the links:
Jailbreaking From My Perspective
A Lady's Guide to Jailbreaking your iPhone with Spirit
Installing Themes on Your Jailbroken iDevice
Are You Planning on Upgrading to iOS4?
I took a look at them before heading over here to start writing. I also manage to get three drafts out on to the blog. I hope that 2 of the three get picked.
that's it for now. I'll check in later.
ciao for now.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Demetrios Koutsothanassis (1913-2010)
I understand where I get my sense of humor, my trouble making skills and rebellious nature from as I hear the members of my family reminisce about him and the pranks he played when he was young.
He made it to the ripe old age of 97 despite the many illnesses that tried to take him over the past 30 years. The man was a fighter, and obviously a winner. He kept his flock of sheep until 2006.
It's hard to imagine that he's gone after being around for so long.
My grandmother survives him and so do his children, many grandchildren and great grandchildren.
He lived a long life, experiencing the good and bad this century had to offer; including the wars, and great depression.
God bless you grandpa, you are missed.
Monday, June 28, 2010
More Great News!
Many of the invitees, also got an invite to meet Sir Richard Branson at a Down Town Location.
I'm so excited that I was granted the opportunity to take advantage of this offer.
I am so looking forward to a couple of days away, although it would be twice as nice if they were giving these round trip tickets to couples or just giving away pairs of tickets. Bobby didn't look to pleased that I would be leaving him behind.
I can't wait. It's going to be non stop. and it has in flight WiFi, and they also have outlets at every seat! What??? that's all kinds of awesomeness.
I've chosen to travel to San Fransisco. I'll be gone from August 20th to 23rd. I promise to take photo's and update every one as much as I possibly can.
Looking forward to it.
So super stoked.
Thank you Virgin America and
Signed ME!
Blogger Disclosure
Friday, June 4, 2010
I've been published!!!
Keep in mind I don't write really well (as I'm sure you've noticed),
but The Cellular Guru is willing to put up with my learning curve :)
I hope to surpass everyone's expectations...
Ps. I need followers so feel free to do so!
~Sent from my iPhone~
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Joys of Fostering an Animal.
A bulldog rescue in Erin Ontario had a bulldog who would benefit from
a family environment.
I can't tell you how excited I was to hear from the rescue.
Bobby and I drove an hour and a half in traffic to Erin, to meet the
The rescue had roughly 13 bulldogs in it's care and couldn't give each
of them the individual care they needed.
Bulldogs require a lot of attention and an owner who will train them
consistently. Bulldogs can be quite stubborn, so the owner needs to be
just as stubborn. :)
We entered the home/rescue and were greeted by a slew of bullies. All
shapes sizes and colours. As we entered further into the home there
were 4 kennels/crates and there he was.
He seemed larger than the others, and quiet.
I had asked the rescue owner operator if I could take him for a walk.
She agreed and off Bobby and I went.
At first the bullie tugged a touch but I wasn't gonna let him walk me.
I started correcting, he started responding favorably. I knew at that
point that I would be able to take care of this big boy.
We signed a Foster agreement and got him in the back of the truck.
He loves drives & was a joy in the vehicle.
His first night was touch and go he didn't sleep well, and he paced. I
kept him company. I tried to make him feel comfortable.
We've been doing great since! He still needs some work but I'm happy
to do it and happier with his progress. Eventually I hope to deal with the slight touch of dog
aggression he has.
I've been so happy to have him. He sometimes tries to push boundaries but I don't let him get away with it.
I think we're bonding, and learning together! I think I love him. He's kinda fat but so am I lol we're walking together everyday 2-3 times a day (I'm in so much pain lol)
I think the two of us are going to get really healthy together :)
Giving him back when our foster is over is going to be hard. He's just so sweet and funny. He acts like a grumpy old man. Right now he's snoring on the floor beside me. I think I love him.
I suggest fostering or adopting for anyone who wants to make a
difference in a poor animals life.
Be strong and help improve their quality of life. Train them
consistently and use discipline. All animals need it. (and humans do
too :) )
Monday, May 31, 2010
DanActive by Danone.

I will be picking up a package of DanActive by Dannone today.
It's a yogurt drink that boasts it will increase your body's natural defences (I assume that means immune system).
DanActive's Website explains how we strain our body's defence system daily, and how DanActive will help strengthen it all.
Sounds like a tall order to me, but I'm looking forward to giving it a shot. What's the worst that could happen? I might actually become healthier, digest better, and not catch as many colds.
Although I am excited to try something new, I think this might be a touch difficult for me. I'm not actually a huge fan of yogurt. LOL
I guess we'll see what happens.
Blogger Disclosure
Friday, May 28, 2010
UPDATE: Article Submited and Edited...
As soon as it's up I'll post a link here for you.
It's not my best work, but it's not bad.
I hope I can get you guys to read it and let me know your thoughts.
I need to build readership so that I can make money.
I think I have some great ideas for the following articles. Reviews and such.
I can't wait.
I think this will be a great experience and will help me strengthen my poor writing skills.
Monday, May 24, 2010
It's A Damn Sauna In Here
The condo is a freakin sauna, and I am sweating worse than a hooker in church.
I know the Condo Corp has arranged for technicians to turn the AC on tomorrow, but I can't wait.
I don't even know how I'm going to sleep in this oven.
That's all.
Holy Cow. I Submitted it... and Now I'm Nervous.
I submitted a short sample article to be critiqued and with any luck published.
I know I can write, but for some reason this was different.
I had such a hard time with getting this article banged out.
It wasn't writers block so much as nervousness.
The whole time I was writing I kept thinking what if people think what I'm writing about is fromage?
The first draft absolutely was ...
I changed it dramatically the second time around. I'm sure it's better, but is it good?
I am not prepared to post it here as of yet.
I want to know what changes I need to make to it before I share it here, and better yet I'd like to know what I can do better and post a link to the published article ... if it makes it.
If it doesn't then... You guys are stuck with the draft sans edits, and with out me being an actual published author.
Well wish me luck.
I wonder when I will hear from them?
Night for now.
Friday, May 21, 2010
HMMMM Published on a REAL BLOG....
... but seriously, it's true!
I will be covering all things iPhone including but not limited to special offers, devices, releases, and apps.
I would say that I am excited and a touch nervous.
The gig isn't for sure. I will have to send in a couple of sample articles and see if the editor is willing to put up with my inability to use good grammar. ^_^
Wish me luck folks, and better yet if you know how to edit... HELP!!!!
Have an awesome day.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Fraise a la Grand Marnier.

Ok that title is a touch pretentious.
I really wanted something fresh and fun for desert the other day and couldn't think of what to make.
So ... as anyone would do; I opened the refrigerator and quickly noticed that I didn't have much in there.
Refrigerator inventory: cold cuts, condiments, wholegrain bread, milk, a can of pop, and some other mundane items (pre-grocery shopping day) and strawberries.
That's it!!!! Strawberries!!!
This will take 24 hours to complete, and it's really hard to make... (only the 24hour part of that is true.)
Here's what you'll need:
1 small box of strawberries (usually around 20-25)
2 Tablespoons of sugar
2 Tablespoons of Grand Marnier (not necessary could also use rum/vodka or nothing at all)
Now on to the hard stuff:
Clean and quarter the berries into a bowl.
Add sugar
Add Grand Marnier
Mix together, and throw it into the fridge.
Then every so often stir the berries.
(um ya... so that's the end of the recipe)
Take your mixture out of fridge the next day, and serve with Ice Cream or Fresh Whipped Cream. Enjoy!

Monday, May 10, 2010
Tassimo just sent me 2 coupons for FREE t-disks...
I think that it's great customer service to do something like this for
their clients!
Now to decide what I'm going to use them on, suggestions? Anyone?
~Sent from my iPhone~
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I'm not even gonna try to lie, I AM ADDICTED to Starbucks coffee. Between the Bob and I, we spend nearly $450.00 per month at the above noted coffee shop... I know right... WHAT?
It's true.
We figured it would be best to just find a machine that could make espresso, and cappuccinos so we could save some money.
Then the thought of waking up at 5:30 am and making espresso made me shutter, the decision was made to find a machine that is automatic and could make specialty coffees.
In comes this Tassimo thingy.
I asked my mom about it and she said she'd heard alot of good things about it.
So off Bob and I went to find one.
Low and behold Home Outfitters had a crap load of them. I called my mom once more to see if she had heard of a better price. (Home Outfitters was selling them from 122-189 or something like that) My mom said Zellers was selling them for 99.99! Guess where Bob and I ended up?
That's right, and frankly I'm soo happy for it....
I purchased some t discs from H.O., and then some caramel from Metro and woooooooooie, I've something close to caramel macchiatos.
I'm quite satisfied.
I've already used it like 4 times between yesterday and today.
Coffee is going to cost closer to $2.00 than $5.20.
(that's if I always purchase the Starbucks cappuccino packages of t discs and caramel) Still better than 5.20...
Love it. I say if you're thinking about it Buy it. You won't regret it.
Monday, March 1, 2010
The Bob.

The Bob has been without a cell phone for a long time, he's been going bonkers. In fact I've been going bonkers listening to him complain.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I should have posted about this a while ago...
Thursday, February 4, 2010
In the Interest of Fairness...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Dear The Keg.
"I am beyond disappointed with your policies regarding large groups and reservations on Saturday evenings.
I was told that I can NOT make reservations for a group of 20 at your 60 Estate Drive Location instead I am to send a representative from my party to your restaurant 2 hours early to wait in line for a table so that we may eat and spend our money at your restaurant.
Then I was asked if we could come on a week day? (as you take reservations on week days) You have got to be kidding me.
I am bringing a large group of people (mature adults) to celebrate a milestone at your restaurant, and you want me to reschedule my event to a week day because you’re afraid of loosing money?
That’s what it comes down to.
Your managers even made it clear they are afraid to loose money because my group may not show up. Saturday is their busy night.
I’ve taken my event to a high end restaurant, who is willing to take my reservation, and who is always happy to see me. (I suppose my money is good there)."
So... We are now going to The School Fine dining... It's a lovely place... I've held many events there, and frankly I am stoked. I can't wait.
The staff there are awesome, and the quality of the food is beyond anything The KEG is capable of.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Is this Adam Giambrone's Mayoral Pitch?
It's time for GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH # (I forgot)

Friday, January 29, 2010
It's Easy! Step 1-3 How Did It Get So Convoluted?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
iPad Seriously?
I would like to get back the time I spent getting live updates, and watching CNET for the release of the iPad. (yup that's what Steve and the gang are calling it)
Honestly I wasn't sold. I'm not sure what I expected but, it must have been more than what they've come up with.
It's a larger version of the iPod touch, and some of the versions will have 3G. meh.
I think my Facebook status said it all...
Did you know that as far as Twitter discussion trends go iTampon ranked higher than iPad? It's true.
The word iPad didn't even make it to the top 10... at all.
It's sad.
I'm sure people will be putting up their kindles for sale on Ebay, but that's not saying much.
I wouldn't have bought a Kindle either.
Just saying.