Monday, March 16, 2009

Week End Updates:

Ok... So Saturday was one hell of a nutty day:
Went grocery shopping,
Went to the butcher shop.
Drove around a bit, did some banking.
Went to a friends house,
when to my parents house.
Had dinner 1year old Wedding Cake.
Had Lunch at Peggy's,
Waited for Liz and Justin to Show for their Cake Tasting,
Drove to Woodbridge (must always say that with Italian Accent) for the cake tasting,
Ate CAKE AGAIN! lol, ordered Liz and Justin's Wedding Cake.
Had Lunch with Liz and Justin,
Went home for 5 mins, then drove out to see RENE... :D
Got to bed passed out slept in.
Got to work early. Thank god.
All in all it was a Busy, weight gaining kinda week end.
Did I mention I saw Lisa on Friday Night and Picked up some Montreal Begels?
It's all about the food... :D

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