I thought this morning would have been productive. I'm preparing myself for an afternoon meeting with Jay and possible clients.
I was totally relaxed when I got here. Picked up my Caramel
Macchiatto, talked to the
barista (who told me I have a beautiful smile... Like I didn't already know), sat down and started to work when out of the blue 3 of The Real Housewives of
Danforth sat next to me.
Damn it all to hell ... I was headed for trouble and prepared to bite my tongue for the duration of their stay.
As I was trying to complete the work that I had set out for my day, my eardrums were abused by the constant chatter, and gossip these "ladies" were spewing. Some of it was quite venomous. They spoke about their ex-husbands, the women that their current
spouses were stepping out with, the children and how wrong it is to use them as pawns (but they obviously took part in that practice as evidenced by part of their later discussion).
The best part: They thought they were being smart and were swapping in
Greek words for their English counterparts and whispered the names of those
involved for fear that someone
Greek might be lurking near by...
I now know the private details of so many people both my husband and I grew up with it's not funny.
Let this be a lesson: Don't speak ill of people.
Should have remembered to bring my earphones.