I need to get shit off my chest.
I am so tired of stuff. Mine, yours and everyone's.
I'll get to why this has come up in just a moment.
I know that life has funny ways of trying to bring people together but sometimes the end result is more drama than when they weren't speaking.
Just shoot me.
This is going to a long bumpy ride. Hold on.
2 weeks ago My husbands father was more or less diagnosed (it was in a weird roundabout way & the Dr. used the "if it walks like a duck" theorem) with Lung Cancer.
Since the roundabout diagnosis I've been taking him to the hospital for all of his appointments (which comprise of tests... a lot of tests and scans and things that get jammed into his arm)
This past year my mother in law and sister in law have NOT been speaking to my father in law.
Infact there was a HUGE blow out not so long ago. During this blow out the MIL & SIL said some real nasty stuff to the FIL. They didn't regret it UNTIL NOW!
2Weeks ago(around the time of the roundabout diagnosis):
My MIL instructed me not to say anything to my SIL until we knew for sure. Well seeing as it walks like and duck and quacks like one too, it's fair to say that we know sorta for sure.
My MIL told my SIL, and guess what... She was mad at me for not telling her. WTF????
Like I want to be caught up in the middle of this stupid shit, but guess what here I am.
Fuck me.
Back to today.
A couple of days ago as a result of the news reaching the SIL, the SIL made up with the FIL ( or at least she thinks she did, he's still not acting as if he's happy to be around her)
Now suddenly the MIL and SIL decided that they want to join us for his respiratory testing this afternoon. I told each of them more than once that there won't be a doctor at the respiratory exam and there won't be any one there to speak to (other than the exam technician who can't divulge anything anyway) .
I know from experience that they won't have any results from this test for a while, just like the others and that they shouldn't expect anything to come out of this visit.
I should have known this would end in disaster.
My SIL doesn't drive. How is she going to get the appointment from her job at
Markham and Progress to Toronto East General Hospital you ask? It's ok. I'll pick her up. I figure this is a nice gesture.
Then we pick up the MIL & FIL & and my husband and head to the hospital for his respiratory testing.
Every other test I've had to go to with my FIL, we joked and laughed and tried not to be to serious about the whole thing. I know it is serious, but I also know that he doesn't want to be around people with the doom and gloom attitude while we go through all this testing. I mean you have to understand that the testing is hard enough.
Worst of all I am sure they (the SIL & MIL) don't want to be there for the hard stuff, watching my FIL suffer through the endless pokes in the arm by technicians and nurses who can't find his veins, or when he's crying because he's in pain from the cardiac stress test, they just want to be there to talk to the doctors. It's ok that I get to see him suffer, because I'm just a peice of shit that they use so they don't have to go through all this stuff.
Did I mention that in the blow out my SIL, told my FIL that she would be happy to bury him?
Moving On.
So we get to the appointment and I'm translating for the technician, all of a sudden my SIL storms out of the exam room. Like seriously WTF???
At first I thought she was just upset that her Dad is going through all this trouble, and found it difficult to watch, but I found out later it was because I was doing all the translating for the technician, and my father in law.
Fuck me.
After all the appointments I've been to with the old man, and all the stress I go through to get him there, and never mind the cost of driving every one around she want's to cause drama?
I just want to say I QUIT.